One of the best things about believing in YHWH (God) again, are all the new HOLIDAYS I get to celebrate. For all of you who don't think 2 or 3 big celebrations a year is enough, YHWH is the God for you! He actually insists upon seven big celebrations a year! And a couple of those last longer than just a day. Of course, ask most Christians and they will not know what those are and the ones that do think they are "Jewish holidays." *SIGH* It's okay. So did I.
The reason I started this blog was to help inform people about the truth of the scriptures and how seriously cool they are. (I realize I'm using the word "cool" lightly since when I try to tell my brothers about this stuff, they roll their eyes and think I'm a nerdy Jew wannabe.) But the bible has been mistranslated, misinterpreted and seriously misused throughout centuries of mankind messing with it and now I don't blame people when they think Christianity is bogus. These days, it kind of is!
But when I go right back to the actual bible, and research it in the original Hebrew as well as the historical context in which it was written, it is seriously the most amazing compilation of books that we have possession of, and believe me, I have read a LOT of books. When I was an atheist, I used to like reading books by atheists. I would get all excited about my atheism and how intellectually superior I was...until I read about how they killed themselves on the internet. But never mind that; it's an entirely different topic.
Today, I'm going to talk about the holidays that YHWH calls us to celebrate and why they were never intended to be just "jewish." (Another perfect example of how ignorant the church has been throughout history, misleading millions thanks to their blatant disregard of scripture. Ugh. Sorry, it makes me mad.)
OKAY! So here they are:
1. Passover
2. Unleavened Bread
3. First Fruits
4. Shavuot (Pentecost)
5. Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets)
6. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth)
The first four are the Spring feasts and the last three are the Fall feasts. Ok that's all. Have fun!
Just kidding! I'm going to tell you what they are. But first, I want to encourage you to do some digging on your own. Don't just take my word for it! Check out Leviticus 23! Do some research. We are so lucky in this generation to be able to have a fact-based faith thanks to the abundance of information on the internet and so on.
The first question people usually ask is "aren't those Jewish holidays?" Were they intended for solely the Jews? Absolutely not. Judaism didn't even exist yet. These commandments were given to the Israelites. The Israelites, at the time, were split into 12 tribes, only ONE being the tribe of Judah (where Jews came from.) YHWH intended these laws for everyone, not just one-twelfth of them. The Jews, however, are the only ones who still faithfully keep them so we assume that they are.
Leviticus 23:2 "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'The feasts of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations, these are MY FEASTS."
Nowhere does YHWH say that these feasts are solely Jewish. Go see for yourself. Now, it's important to understand that whenever YHWH addresses "Israel" he is talking about US. The church. This is imperative to understand in order to truly understand the New Testament. Also, that YHWH was never exclusive. ANYONE could become a part of Israel no matter their background or heritage. Obviously, it is still that way today.
So why did YHWH give us these feasts? Because they are super significant ALL throughout history as well as what is to come. If you study where the feasts fell in history, you'll find that YHWH does everything according to his feasts. Yeshua (Jesus) was born on the Feast of Tabernacles! That's why there was "no room at the inn." Everyone was in town partying it up! He died as the PASSOVER lamb and rose on First Fruits!
(NOT Easter which is another Pagan holiday to honor Babylonian King Nimrod's crazy wife Easter, who thought she was a Goddess that landed in the Euphrates River in a giant egg. Every year, the priest of Easter would impregnate virgins on the alter of Easter. The next year, when the babies would be 3 months old, they would kill them and dye eggs with their blood. Didn't you ever wonder why we dye eggs at Easter? SICK. What's even sicker is that some churches STILL only allow their eggs to be dyed one color: RED. They probably think it's representative of Christ's blood or something equally mistaken when really they're honoring a psycho.)
These are just two of SO MANY examples of how YHWH times things according to his feasts from the story of Noah's Ark all the way through Revelation where the prophecies are recorded. I would seriously encourage you to research this on your own if you're having a hard time believing it. A lot is information I found from non-Christian sources that neither support or condemn scripture. I try to stay away from religious sources actually since I don't totally trust them to be accurate and unbiased, with the exception of the actual bible of course.
YHWH calls us to honor these feasts so that we can not only remember these things, but so that we will be ready for what is coming.
SO what are these feasts? I'll briefly go over each one and then you can research further on your own if you're interested. If I wrote EVERYTHING this blog post would be painfully long.
Passover (Pesach) is a one-day feast celebrated in March/April in remembrance of leaving Egypt. The idea is that in order to be saved, you must leave Egypt and join the house of Israel. Jesus was crucified on Passover. THIS IS A FACT. YHWH planned that on purpose! Yeshua was the passover lamb and by accepting his blood we are saved, JUST like when the Hebrews were enslaved by the Egyptians and had to put lamb's blood on their doorposts to save their firstborns way back in the book of Exodus (or 'Shemot' in Hebrew.
The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the day after Passover! It lasts for seven days and we are called to only eat unleavened bread. Leaven represents two things in scripture: sin and interpretation. Yeshua said "don't eat the leaven of the Pharisees" which was an IDIOM. It meant don't buy what they're saying, it's garbage. A warning that is OBVIOUSLY still relevant today since many leaders in the church are STILL full of it, ignoring the front of the bible and what it says.
First Fruits was the actual day that Yeshua rose from the dead. The first day of the week (Sunday) after Passover.
Shavuot or Pentecost is 50 days after First Fruits. This celebrates the day that the commandments were given to Israel on Mount Sinai.
These are all the Spring Feasts that deal with the first coming of the Messiah. While all of YHWH's feasts are important, His Fall feasts are the MOST important because they deal with the SECOND coming of Christ. They are the following:
Rosh Hashanah (Trumpets) celebrates the day that the Messiah will return and set up a new government. We are called to take the day off and maybe blow on a shofar! (A trumpet made of ram's horn that the bible says we will hear at his return.) It's the head of the new year and is a rehearsal for the second coming.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) celebrates judgment day. The day that sins will be atoned for.
Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth) is the most important feast. (Also, Yeshua's real birthday as I already mentioned.) It lasts for a week and represents the final harvest when everything is settled and we will have a huge party to celebrate YHWH renewing heaven and earth.
I realize that many have a hard time believing in the prophecies of the bible, however, I personally have found this to be one of the most fascinating parts of my studies! Upon digging deeper, you will find SEVERAL prophetic claims in the bible that have already been fulfilled. In fact, the bible is written in a prophetic pattern, where one part foreshadows the next. But that is another post for another day.
I hope that this inspires you to do some studying on your own! The next post I'll do will document the beginning, both of my journey and the very first book of the bible: GENESIS. It's where I began and I've been hooked to studying the scriptures ever since.
Again feel free to leave comments or ask questions!
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